
Orientierungslaufverein Sandberg Bratislava lädt herzlich alle WMOC Teilnehmer und andere Orientierungsläufer zu zweitagigen (das) Rennen nur eine Woche vor Beginn des WMOC. Rennen findet in zwei Länder statt: Österreich und Slowakei. In Österreich läuft Ihr am und um Hainburger Burghügel. In der Slowakei sind es Stadtwälder von Bratislava – Hauptstadt der Slowakei. Dieser Wettbewerb eignet sich sehr gut für Alle die in Wien landen oder durch Wien/ Bratislava zur WMOC in Košice reisen. In Bratislava gibt es zusätzlich noch 2 Orientierungslauf-Festpostennetze für die Karten zur Verfügung stehen.


  Weather in Bratislava



  • 1 Jul


    Anmeldeschluss -- danach Anmeldungen nur begrenzt möglich.

  • 1 Aug


    Sprintrennen in Hainburg an der Donau, Österreich.

  • 2Aug


    Mitteldistanzrennen in Bratislava, Slowakei.

  Travel information

How to find public transport connection in Slovakia (e.g. Bratislava (training) - Kosice (wmoc))? What to visit in Bratislava?

1. August:  Hainburg an der Donau (Österreich)


  • Bewerb: Sprint-OL
  • Datum und Ort: 1. August 2020,
    Hainburg an der Donau, Österreich

  • Kategorien:
    • Herren
      A (lang, schwer), B (mittellang, schwer), C (kurz, einfach)
    • Damen
      A (lang, schwer), B (mittellang, schwer), C (kurz, einfach)
  • Nenngeld:
    • Hainburg: 8,- €
    • Hainburg + Bratislava: 15,- €

  • Anmeldung:
Veranstalter: Filip Kubina
Bahnleger: Paul Grün


The city of Hainburg is located on the right bank of the Danube river, between Vienna and Bratislava in Lower Austria. It is only 12 km west of the Slovak capital Bratislava and 43 km east of the Austrian capital Vienna with very good traffic connections to both capitals.

The first settlement may go to the Celtic era. Later the town was part of the Roman province of Pannonia. Emperor Heinrich III. ordered around 1050 to build the castle on the Schlossberg hill. Nowadays, with its 2.5 km long city walls, three preserved gates and 15 towers from the 13th century, Hainburg has one of the oldest and best preserved city fortifications in Europe.

Location and map

Town Hainburg is easily accessible from both Vienna and Bratislava. Click on the map above to see larger map with possible traffic connections.

Exact location of the event centre in the city of Hainburg will be announced later.

Karte: Hainburg

Hainburg -- Masstab 1 : 5 000, Terrain - gemischtes: Stadt, Burghügel, Klippen
Stand: 2020
Kartographie: Paul Grün

August 2nd:  Bratislava (Slovakia)


  • Format: middle distance
  • Date and place: August 2, 2020,
    Bratislava - Kamzík, Slovakia

  • Categories:
    • Men
      A (longest), B (middle), C (recreational)
    • Women
      A (longest), B (middle), C (recreational)
  • Start Fee:
    • Bratislava: 8,- €
    • Hainburg + Bratislava: 15,- €

  • Entries:
Director: Richard Balogh
Course setter: Katarína Kotrlová


Bratislava (/ˌbrætɪˈslɑːvə/) is the capital of Slovakia. With a population of about 430,000, it is one of the smaller capitals of Europe but still the country's largest city. Bratislava is in southwestern Slovakia, occupying both banks of the River Danube and the left bank of the River Morava.

The city's history has been influenced by people of many nations and religions. It was the coronation site and legislative center of the Kingdom of Hungary from 1536 to 1783. Nowadays, it is the political, cultural and economic centre of Slovakia.

Bratislava, also referred to as the Beauty on the Danube, can offer an ideal atmosphere for romantic walks to those who love to follow signs of history in the middle of modern world.

Location and map

Bratislava is easily accessible by plane, train or bus directly or from the nearby city of Vienna. Click on the map above to see larger map with possible traffic connections.

Exact location of the event centre in the Bratislava will be announced later.


Kamzík -- 1 : 10 000, hilly terrain, clean broadleaved forest, dense path network
status: 2019
cartography: Marian Cotirta, Zdenek Lenhart

An old map from the area
Previous map from the area

Organizers and sponsors

Hainburg SK Sandberg Bratislava